Human Beings and/of The
Universal Potential, which is Energy.
To see a portrayal of our
roles as stewards amidst the universal flux simply follow the (Click)s.
Compare a very
common vision of the nature of energy in Anglo-American education
(click here)
Potential of the Universe(s) =Energy
transforming and so bounteous it can usefully be considered a
rise to multitudinous, myriad varieties
of transient forms…

...each form
being enabled for a finite moment in which
there exists a unique and exquisite balance in the flows
of energy…
...with each
form being manifest from as many
differing perspectives as the human mind can imagine…

We human beings
form a group of those transient forms and our potential too can be manifest from many different perspectives…

our electrical
carbon being
et al
being water being thermal
being social being
we are better able to reflect the universal potential
and live in greater harmony with the continuous changing flows of
which involves embracing our roles as stewards amidst the
universal flux and our fallible, mortal natures …

the fallible mortal natures of human beings with thought
and egos that have an incredible capacity to deny reality (the continuous
universal change in which we are stewards)…
...and also the capacity for compassion which enables us to
transcend the limitations of thought and our ego, to enjoy the state of being,
which is science…
guides in science
The Conservation
Principle of Energy
The law of conservation of energy is
an empirical law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy
in an isolated system remains constant over time (is said to be conserved
over time). A consequence of this law is that energy can neither be
created nor destroyed: it can only be transformed from one state to
The Uncertainty
Principle of Energy
In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle states by precise inequalities that certain pairs of physical
properties, such as position and momentum, cannot be simultaneously known to
arbitrarily high precision. That is, the more precisely one property is
measured, the less precisely the other can be measured.
The Sustainability Principle of Energy
A symbol used in acceptance of change enhances the capacity of the user to
mirror reality and enjoy harmony. A symbol used in denial of change destroys the
capacity of the user to mirror reality and know harmony.
...which in turn enables us to develop
arts such as languages
and civics that enable us to better conserve all the balances and flows of
energy that sustain us as we are better able to enjoy hope and reflect
illustration typifies the use of the energy symbol in
Anglo-American education systems and our mass media. See comment below.
beings (“me”), dwellings, landscapes, water, waste etc are portrayed
as things different to energy rather than being forms of energy.
the energy symbol is associated with "Non-fossil fuel
electricity and transport; Non-motorised transport; Clean heating to
protect air quality; Avoid impacts on biodiversity of rapid climate
change." This set of associations is born of a reaction to the
flawed equation that has enabled the excesses of the Industrial
Revolution and which is assiduously promoted by the most powerful global
merchant traders:
energy = fossil fuels and Bulk-generated electrical products
i.e. products this elite of traders control and profit from.
Both sets of associations make the same fatal flaw of confusing energy
with a trace few of the multitudes of forms it can be manifest as.
merchant bankers’ equation of energy with fossil fuels also
conveniently omits the atmosphere and potential air pollution from the
combustion equation. Observe how the Global Issues illustration mentions
living landscapes and water while omitting mention of the atmosphere.
enable us to exist, share meaning and propagate in sustainable,
harmonious ways - especially symbols such as the energy symbol.
Observe how no mention is made in the illustration of our vital need to
conserve the potential of our symbols and prevent the pollution of our
vision of existence by our capacity for greed and vanity.
These examples are all manifestations of that universal
human trait - our capacity for fundamental denial of stewardship/change.
We fail to conserve the potential of the energy symbol and deny
its great message of universal continual transformation. The
Sustainability Principle of Energy indicates such symbol uses reflect
and promote behaviour that will tend to generate misery and be