The Sustainability Principle
 of Energy


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Defining some Prime Symbols


Energy Efficiency









Climate Change





Peak Oil
Principle of Energy





















Catalogue of Symbols  
Used in Acceptance and Denial of Change/Stewardship


The following catalogue of prime symbols and their uses is not exclusive. They are a sample of the symbols we commonly use to frame to frame our views of the nature of energy in general and climate processes in particular. Our uses of them both reflect and generate potent drivers of our behaviour. They have the potential to enable civilisation and to destroy it. 

This catalogue is an example of the practical application of the Sustainability Principle of Energy. It is understood that the change and stewardship symbols are inextricably linked because we are each the universal change and have roles as stewards of the balances that sustain us, whether we like it or not. Their inextricable nature is often symbolised as stewardship/change and it is helpful when reading of one to be mindful of the other at all times.

Note: our capacity for self-deceit is ingenious beyond thought and this list requires continual revision and refinement as we identify new levels of stewardship/change and depths of denial.

A - C D - F G - H I - S T - Z

Symbol:  Alternative Energy  
Acceptance: Alternative Energy = non existent/symbol not used (Energy is the potential of the universe(s) and thus is manifest in all that is/can be. However humans almost invariably have options to conventional practices i.e. there are alternative behaviours and alternative resources we can use.)
Alternative Energy = Energy derived from sources that do not destroy resources or harm the environment. It is a common symbol for sources of energy not controlled by the bankers of the fossil fuel/Bulk-generated electrical products sectors.)

 Symbol: Anthropogenic Climate Change
Acceptance: Anthropogenic Climate Change = significant and sustained changes to weather patterns caused by human activities.
Denial: Anthropogenic Climate Change = non existent/symbol not used (Often confused with Climate Change.)  

Symbol: Anthropogenic Global Warming
Acceptance: Anthropogenic Global Warming =  The thermal build-up in Earth’s atmosphere caused by the impact of human activity on the global balances of the Warmer Trace Gases. These activities include combusting fossil fuels, deforestation and certain agriculture. Global warming is caused by Warmer Trace Gas balances unchanged by human activity.
Denial: Anthropogenic Global Warming = Global warming =Global Warming-Up

 Symbol: Arts
Acceptance: Skill as a result of practice or learning; to create or  fit together in a complete way; activity performed in a state of science.
Denial: The Arts – A select group of activities including painting, sculpture, poetry, literature and social studies etc. These are understood to be distinct from science

Symbol: Atmosphere (Earth)
Acceptance:  Atmosphere = the dynamic layer of gases surrounding our planet characterised by a large capacity for heat convection
Denial: Atmosphere = greenhouse. Greenhouses are characterised by the suppression of heat convection

Symbol: Atmospheric Thermal Effect
Acceptance: Atmospheric Thermal Effect = capacity of atmosphere to retain thermal energy –without the Warmer Trace Gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane) our atmosphere Earth’s surface would be about 33ºC cooler on average.
Atmospheric Thermal Effect = non existent/symbol not used (Often confused with Greenhouse Effect)

Symbol: Bulk-generated electrical products
Acceptance: Bulk-generated electrical products = Bulk-generated electrical products i.e. they are a few of myriad, myriad possible forms of energy.
Denial: Bulk-generated electrical products = energy  
Bulk-generated electrical products = power  
Bulk-generated electrical products = electricity

Symbol: Carbon
Acceptance: Carbon = common element in the universe and an vital base of all life forms. Denial: Carbon = select tradeable carbon-based gases e.g. methane, carbon dioxide
Denial: Carbon = coal
Denial: Carbon = fossil fuels

Symbol: Carbon Derivatives
Acceptance: Carbon derivatives = unsustainable activity. Carbon derivates are understood to be a manifestation of psychotic element present in us all that generates the delusions that gambling activities can cause real wealth to be created and pollution nullified.
Denial: Carbon derivatives = gambling activity in which bets are placed on the price of a few tradeable carbon-based products, these being symbolised as “carbon”. (Proponents of this gambling scheme commonly believe it will reduce air pollution and conserve vital carbon resources.)

Symbol: Carbon Neutrality
Acceptance: Carbon Neutrality = non-existent/delusional state. (No action is neutral. All activities, including human activities, impact on the carbon flows and balances of our universe. For instance, a fossil fuel once burned can probably never be replaced in the life of our planet. This is especially true of mineral oil)
Denial: Carbon Neutrality= Belief that a use of carbon has no impact on the universal flows and balances of carbon.

Symbol: Carbon Offsetting
Acceptance: Carbon offsetting = impossible activity (All activities affect the carbon flows and balances of our universe. We are stewards of the carbon potential, whether we like it or not.)
Denial: Carbon offsetting = use of carbon such that it has no net impact on the universal flows and balances of carbon that sustain humanity

Symbol: Carbon Stewardship
Acceptance: Carbon Stewardship = each individual acts as a steward of the carbon potential and values each carbon form so the potential of future human beings is conserved. This stewardship may be reflected in communally accepted prices, including taxation schedules.
Denial: Carbon Stewardship = Belief that human activity is best determined by the Carbon Market. Individuals and societies abdicate their roles as stewards of the carbon potential to the oligarchy that controls the Carbon Market operations.)

Symbol: Carbon Taxes
Acceptance: Carbon Taxes= reflection of the civic element present in all humans to act as stewards and place sustainable values on carbon forms.
Denial: Carbon Taxes = bad/malevolent

Symbol: Carbon Trading
Acceptance: Carbon Trading = Unsustainable activity because it is understood to be the pure manifestation of the psychotic and psychopathic elements present in all humans that enable us to deny our roles as stewards/change
Carbon trading= trading and betting system of carbon derivatives controlled by an oligarchy. It involves the belief that some mysterious force inherent in the dynamics of the “carbon market” is able to place a sustainable value on certain carbon forms and act as a steward for all of us

Symbol: Change
Acceptance: Change = transformation - the essential process of the universe(s)
Change = bad/good/ enemy/friend
Denial: Change = non-existent (Some forms are eternal i.e. are unchanging. Some states do not alter i.e. are unchanging.. Some actions do not affect the universal flux i.e. are unchanging.)

Symbol: Clean Energy
Acceptance: Clean Energy = non-existent/symbol not used (Energy is the potential of the universe(s) and it is beyond the capacity of mortal beings to judge it as clean, dirty or otherwise. Humans can make clean or polluting uses of energy)
Denial:  Clean Energy = type of energy that is distinct from energy, which is dirty.

 Symbol: Clean Uses of Energy
Acceptance: Clean Uses of Energy = activities that do not pollute our planet
Clean Uses of  Energy = non-existent (Energy, not the use of it,  is either clean or dirty)

Symbol: Climate Change
Acceptance: Climate Change = embraced as part of the natural process of the universe(s) in which climate patterns change.
Denial: Climate Change = bad/enemy/ “must be fought/combated/stopped”.

Symbol:  Life-enabling Climate Balances
Acceptance: Life-enabling Climate Balances = state in which the balances of the flux at a planet's surface enable life forms to exist.
Denial: Life-enabling Climate Balances = non-existent/symbol not used. (Climate is the problem.)

Symbol: Climate Use Crisis
Acceptance: Climate Use Crisis = Our use of resources, especially atmospheric resources, is dangerous/unsustainable.
Denial: Climate Use Crisis = non-existent/symbol not used (The Climate is the problem.)

Symbol: Combating Climate Change
Acceptance: Combating Climate Change = unhelpful activity (Climate Change is part of the natural order and it more helpful for us focus on living in harmony with and conserving climate balances that sustain us.)
Combating Climate Change = Essential activity because Climate Change is evil and must be fought/stopped.

Symbol: Combustion
Acceptance: Combustion = a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light. For example, see the combustion equation Fossil fuel + air = useful form of energy. The balances of Earth’s atmosphere are changed
Denial: Combustion = a substance spontaneously gives heat and light in a vacuum i.e. without presence of air. Example: See common equation: Fossil fuel =Energy. The balances of the atmosphere are unchanged

Symbol: Conservative
Acceptance: Conservative = Person whose activities on balance conserve the flows and balances of Earth’s systems so they continue to sustain humanity. Compare: non-conservative = person whose activities on balance destroys the flows and balances of Earth’s systems that sustain humanity. This use of the “conservative” symbol works to reminds us of the wisdom of the Conservation Principle of Energy.
Denial: Conservative = Person who conserves a particular set of socio-political values, many of which often work to destroy essential flows and balances of Earth’s systems on scale. See Conservative Party, Neo-conservative etc. This use works to obscure and deny the messages of the  Conservation Principle of Energy

Symbol: Conserving Energy
Acceptance: Conserving Energy = impossible activity/symbol not used. (The Conservation Principle of Energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It is, by its very nature, always conserved. Humans can only work to conserve forms.)
Denial: Conserving Energy = Action of a human of conserving energy (as distinct from not conserving energy)
Denial: Conserving Energy = practice of energy efficiency (Energy is limited and thus must be conserved)

Symbol: Conserving Climate Balances
Acceptance: Conserving Climate Balances = the act of conserving the balances of the flux at Earth’s surface that enables life to exist
Denial: Conserving Climate Balances = non-existent/symbol not used. The climate or climate change is the problem

Symbol: Cooling
Acceptance:  Cooling = The continual movement of thermal energy through the universe(s) is such that all things are subject to cooling even as they are subject to warming. The existence of any form persists only as long as the rate of warming equals the rate of cooling
Denial: Cooling = Cooling down (An unchanged state is the same as a changed state i.e. unchanged temperature = changed temperature i.e. no transformation = transformation i.e. no change = change. The reality of the universal thermodynamics is denied

Symbol: Cooling down
Acceptance: Cooling down = the rate of cooling exceeds the rate of warming. The process involves a net temperature decrease in an object and an associated tendency for it to change its form.
Denial: Cooling down = cooling. The common use of the equation zero temperature change = temperature change denies the essential thermodynamics of the universe(s). In particular this equation denies the possibility of a change of state with the temperature change. Reality is denied.

    D - F                                           Return to Index

Acceptance: A diseconomy = a system of exchange characterised by waste, pollution, planned obsolescence and continual increase in the consumption of materials.
Denial: A diseconomy =  non-existent/symbol not used. Often symbolised as an economy.;

Symbol: Economy
An economy = a system of exchange characterised by thrift and stewardship of the flows and balances that sustain humanity
Denial: An economy = a diseconomy = a system of exchange characterised by waste, pollution, planned obsolescence and continual increase in the consumption of materials. (Since 1650s)

Symbol: Electrical Products
Acceptance: Electrical products = products (sometimes tradeable) that are best described by their electrical nature e.g. Bulk-generated electrical products, Dwelling-generated electrical products, brain waves, solar rays,  etc.
Denial: Electrical products = non-existent/symbol not used. (Typically electrical products are
interchangeably symbolised as power, energy or electricity.

Symbol: Electricity
Acceptance: Electricity = non existent (There are only electrical phenomena e.g. electrons, electric charges, electromagnetism, electrostatic etc and each has unique properties that are often contrary to other electrical phenomena.)
Denial: Electricity = Bulk-generated electrical products  
Electricity = Power  
Denial: Electricity = Energy

Symbol: Energy
Acceptance: Energy = the potential of the universe(s).
Denial: Energy = an individual form of energy e.g. Bulk-generated electrical products, fossil fuels, drink, food or other transient object. The universal potential, which is continual transformation or continuous change, is denied.  
Energy = power (The measured = the measure.) The universal transformation is confused with the rate of the transformation.

Symbol: Energy Crisis
Acceptance: Energy Crisis = non existent/symbol not used. (Energy is as bounteous as potential of the universe(s) and can be manifest in myriad, myriad forms. Humans can however experience crisis because of their use of energy
Denial: Energy Crisis = existent (Energy is the problem.)

Symbol: Energy Derivative
Acceptance: Energy Derivative = delusional notion/ symbol not used. Energy is as bounteous as the potential of the universe(s) and can be considered a constant. It cannot be derived from any more than it can be conserved, created or destroyed
Denial: Energy Derivative = Gambling activity in which bets are placed on the traded values
of a few products such as Bulk-generated electricity and fossil fuels, these being defined as energy. Wealth is inherent in the derivatives, not energy.

 Symbol: Energy efficiency
Acceptance: Energy efficiency = enjoying the maximum benefits of resources while sustaining them in perpetuity. (This can involve the use of increased amounts of energy) Denial: Energy Efficiency = using less energy and experiencing greater deprivation. Energy is understood to be very limited in quantity – usually because of the association of the “energy” symbols with a few commercial products  

Symbol: Energy Failure
Acceptance: Energy Failure = nonexistent/symbol not used. (The human species is transient, as are all other species, while energy is so bounteous and sustained that it can be usefully be considered a constant. We may however fail to live in harmony with the flows and balances of energy that sustain humanity.)
Denial: Energy Failure = Energy has failed us.  
Energy Failure = Loss of supply of a material (typically mineral oil/gas) or unavailability of a resource (typically wind, sun).
Energy Failure = Power Failure = demand for Bulk-generated electrical products exceeds supply or reticulation grid fails for some reason

Symbol: Energy form
Acceptance: Energy form = one of the myriad forms energy can be manifest in, each being the product of change. The essential change in form can be seen from many perspectives.
Denial: Energy form = energy. The transformed = the transformer i.e. change does not exist
Energy form = classes or perspectives of energy forms (typically electrical, radiant, thermal, motion, sound, chemical, stored mechanical, nuclear and gravitational). The essential change of any object is denied because all the different perspectives are seen as forms rather than a different manifestation of the essential change in a form.

Symbol: Energy sector
Acceptance: Energy sector = nonexistent /symbol not used. Energy is manifest in all sectors of existence.
Denial: Energy sector = The Fossil Fuels and Bulk-generated electrical products sector. All other manifestations of the universal transformation are thus denied.

Symbol: Energy stocks
Acceptance: Energy stocks = nonexistent/symbol not used. Energy, the potential of the universe(s), exists in all manifest activities. No form is energy; all forms are of energy
Denial: Energy stocks = instruments that signify ownership positions (called equity) - typically the positions held by the corporations controlling Fossil Fuels and Bulk-generated electrical products.

 Symbol: Energy-Use Crisis
Energy-Use Crisis = existent if we fail to live in harmony with dynamics of our universe(s)
Denial: Energy Use Crisis = non-existent/symbol not used. (Energy is the problem)

Symbol: Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
Acceptance: Enhanced Greenhouse Effect = Increased temperatures in a greenhouse by various means e.g. closing ventilators, adding internal heat sources etc
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect = Increased thermal capacity of Earth’s atmosphere caused by human activities. Involves denial of the essential change inherent in air’s great capacity for thermal convection compared to thermal conduction

Symbol: Enhanced Atmospheric Thermal Effect
Acceptance: Enhanced Atmospheric Thermal Effect = Increased capacity of atmosphere to retain thermal energy and warm up Earth’s surface because of extraordinary variations in biomass (including human), solar and other activities.
Enhanced Atmospheric Thermal Effect = non-existent/symbol not used.

Symbol: Environment
Acceptance: Environment = the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu; and which includes the observer. Inherent in the environment symbol  is great paradox: the observer is part of what he or she is not part of. Example: "Humans are their environment."
Denial: Environment = the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu existing distinct from the observer. Example: "Humans and their environment."

Symbol: fossil fuel
Fossil fuel = fossilized biomass.
Fossil fuel = energy i.e. fossil fuels are as bounteous as the potential of the universe(s) and commonly burn without the presence of the atmosphere

G - H                                                               Return to Index

Symbol: Generating electricity
generating electricity = impossible activity/symbol not used. Electricity does not exist and electrical phenomena exist in all forms of matter. We can however transform electrical phenomena and generate electrical products
Denial: Manufacturing Bulk-generated electrical products = generating electricity aka generating power aka generating energy

Symbol: generating energy
Generating energy = impossible activity/symbol not used. Energy exists and cannot be brought into being. It is. See the Conservation Principle of Energy - energy can be neither created nor destroyed.
Denial: Manufacturing Bulk-generated electrical products = generating energy. The essential change, which is the universe(s), is denied. Energy is confused with a form it is manifest in.

Symbol: generating power
Generating power = impossible activity/symbol not used. Power is the rate at which the potential of the universe(s) is manifest i.e. power is a measure.
Denial: Manufacturing Bulk-generated electrical products = generating power.

Symbol: Global thermal balance
Acceptance: Global thermal balance = the warming and the cooling of our planet is in a harmonious state
Global thermal balance = nonexistent/symbol not used (Notions of the global thermal balance are commonly denied by the use of the equation: global warming =global warming-up.)

Symbol: Global warming
Acceptance: Global warming = the continual warming of our planet even as it is cooling i.e. no net change in temperature i.e. an equable thermal state exists. Currently the equal balance of warming and cooling is such that a stable state exists, which enables life-enabling processes to occur on the planet
Denial: Global warming = an imbalance in the warming and cooling processes of our planet i.e. net temperature change i.e. warming =warming-up. This denies the fact that a rise in global temperatures might cause a change of state and, for instance, disable the life-enabling process
Global warming = bad/unhealthy/dangerous/malevolent. The vital sustaining process of change is denied

Symbol: Greenhouse
Acceptance: Greenhouse = human construction designed primarily to suppress air (heat) convection and to be transparent to light to enable photosynthesis.
Denial: Greenhouse = Earth’s atmosphere. e.g. Earth = Greenhouse World.

Symbol: Greenhouse Earth
Acceptance: Greenhouse Earth = nonexistent/symbol not used. Our atmosphere is a very organic, uniquely layered and dynamic system that is characterised by a significant capacity for heat convection
Denial: Greenhouse Earth = Earth’s atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere can be engineered like a glass house

Symbol: Greenhouse Effect
Acceptance: Greenhouse Effect = Warming-up effect or thermal build-up achieved using glass and other often transparent cladding in greenhouse construction to suppress air convection
Greenhouse Effect = thermodynamics of Earth’s atmosphere. This use of the greenhouse symbol denies the essential organic nature and potency of the atmosphere – in particular the convective power of air.

Symbol: Greenhouse Gas
Acceptance: Greenhouse Gas = gas found in a greenhouse. Symbol rarely used because most greenhouses contain normal atmospheric air
Greenhouse Gas = atmospheric gas with significant capacity to retain thermal energy. Evokes images of Earth’s atmosphere as a greenhouse
Greenhouse Gas = bad/enemy/dangerous/malevolent. Denies fact that certain concentrations and balances of the Warmer Trace Gases enable changes essential for life to exist.

Symbol: Humans
Acceptance: Human =  member of a species of bipedal primates in the family Hominidae (Taxonomically Homo sapiens—Latin: "wise man" or "knowing man". Inherent in this wisdom is the recognition that humans at all times are stewards of the flows and balances that sustain human kind on Earth.)
Denial: Human = member of a species of bipedal primates in the family Hominidae  (Taxonomically Homo sapiens—Latin: "wise man" or "knowing man". Inherent in this knowlege is the belief that human beings have superior intelligence to other creatures, thus giving them the right to use and trade the resources of the planet as they please.)

Symbol: Humans and the Environment
Acceptance: Humans and the Environment = Non existent/symbol not used. The act of experiencing existence involves a paradox: we humans are active participants in all that we are not.
Denial: Humans and the Environment =  the state in which human beings exist as a species divorced from all.

Symbol: Humans are their Environment
Acceptance: Humans are their Environment = Each human being by experiencing the environment participates in the environment. (Existence is a paradox: the observer  is the observed.)
Denial: Humans are their Environment = impossible notion/symbol not used.

Symbol: Human-induced Climate Change
Acceptance: Human-induced Climate Change = significant and sustained changes to weather patterns caused by human activities
Denial: Human-induced Climate Change = non existent/symbol not used.  (Commonly confused with Climate Change, which in turn is confused with global warming.)  

  I - S                                                          Return to Index

Acceptance: Love = State of being characterised by the experience of great compassion
Denial: Love = a state of being achieved by the successful trading of goods/services and by bartering affection

Symbol: Power
Acceptance: Power = the rate at which the potential of the universe(s) is manifest i.e. power is a measure
Denial: Power = individual form of energy e.g. power is commonly equated with Bulk-generated electrical products. This involves multiple denials of change i.e. double dissonance: confusion of a form with energy and the confusion of the measure with the measured

Symbol: Power Crisis
Acceptance: Power crisis = nonexistent/symbol not used. To the extent power is a measure of the rate the universal potential is manifest, then to speak of a power crisis is to speak of an energy crisis.
Denial: Power crisis = Crisis caused by our misuse of Bulk-generated electrical products. This denial manifests double dissonance: confusion of a form with energy and the confusion of the measure with the measured

Symbol: Power failure
Acceptance: Power failure = nonexistent/symbol not used. To the extent power is a measure of the rate the universal potential is manifest, then to speak of a power failure is to speak of an energy failure.
Denial: Failure of supply of Bulk-generated electrical products = power failure. This denial manifests double dissonance: confusion of a form with energy and the confusion of the measure with the measured

Symbol: Power sector
Acceptance:  Power sector = nonexistent/symbol not used. All possible sectors of the universe(s) are energy and power is the rate at which any element of the universal potential is manifest
Denial:  Power sector = Business sector specialising in Bulk-generated electrical products  This denial manifests double dissonance: confusion of a form with energy and the confusion of the measure with the measured

Symbol: Renewable Energy
Acceptance: Renewable Energy = nonexistent/symbol not used. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed and is, by its very nature, renewed. However renewable sources and forms of energy do exist. These are better symbolised as resources, which means "that which rallies or rises again".)
Denial: Renewable Energy = that which is not Non-renewable Energy i.e. there exists energy that is not described by the Conservation Principle of Energy

Symbol: Renewable sources/forms of energy
Acceptance: Renewable sources/forms of energy = sources and forms of energy that are sustained with repeated use. These are better symbolised as resources, which means "that which rallies or rises again". Energy, by its very nature, is continuously renewed and  can usefully be understood to be constant
Denial: Renewable sources/forms of energy = nonexistent/symbol not used, for there exists renewable energy, which is distinct from non-renewable energy

Symbol: Resources
Acceptance: Resource = form that rallies or rises again e.g. the sun, wind, tides etc
Denial: Resource = any material/form that it considered useful, regardless of whether it rises again. This use of resource symbol (since 1779) denies the fact a form may only occur rarely in the life of our planet (e.g. coal, mineral oil etc). A form only remains a resource when our use of it enables it to arise again and again. 

Symbol: Save Our Planet
Acceptance: Save Our Planet = impossible activity/symbol not used. The forces enabling our planet are so huge humans cannot control them. We can only attempt to act as stewards and live in harmony with them.
Denial: Save Our Planet = Our planet has a problem. This symbol manifests great denial of change in that the human species is far more transient than the planet -its existence does not depend on our existence.

Symbol: Save Our Resources (On Earth)
Acceptance: Save Our Resources = act as stewards to ensure we conserve and enhance the resources of Earth
Denial: Save Our Resources = irrelevant/symbol not used. Our planet is the perceived problem

Symbol: Saving Energy
Acceptance: Saving energy = impossible activity/symbol not used. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, saved or wasted –  see the Conservation Principle of Energy. Humans however can act as stewards of vital sources, forms and balances of energy
Denial: Saving energy = actions distinct from those actions of not saving energy. Complete denial of the Conservation Principle of Energy

Symbol: Saving Power
Acceptance: Saving power = impossible activity/symbol not used. Power is the measure of the rate at which something becomes manifest. Humans cannot save power anymore than they can save energy
Denial:  Saving Bulk-generated electrical products = saving power. This denial manifests double dissonance: confusion of a form with energy and the confusion of the measure with the measured

Symbol: Science
Acceptance: Science = state of being founded in compassion that enables the  development of all manner of arts including language and civics i.e. all that we know as civilisation. All human beings are born into this state and retain it to some degree
Denial: Science = way of thinking that enables the development of a body of knowledge that is the domain of exclusive elite (<1%) of humans beings with these few individuals being classified as “scientists”   

Symbol: Science Fraternity
Acceptance: Science Fraternity = Non-existent/symbol not used. All humans are capable of enjoying the state of science to some degree. All humans are scientists and non-scientists to some degree. 
Denial: Science Fraternity = exclusive elite (<1%) of humans that are classified as “scientists”. The status of “scientist” is accorded because the individual is judged to have specialist skills of inquiry in a specific aspect of existence. The use of the science fraternity symbol denies the essential role of change in the development of all manner of arts, including language and civics(stewardship)

Symbol: Science World
Acceptance: Science World = universal state of being that all humans  are into. Born of the state of compassion it involves rigorous inquiry, experimentation, sharing, honesty and reflection
Denial: Science World = body of knowledge distinct and separate from daily experience of humanity and typically the domain of an elite called "scientists". This denies the essential role of change in the development of all manner of arts, including language and civics(stewardship)

Symbol: Scientist
Acceptance: Scientist = any and all human beings capable of enjoying compassion and thus the state of science. In this state the human being enjoys a spirit of inclusiveness, collegiality, openness and sharing, inquiry, honesty and trust, time and reflection, all of which enable him or her to learn and more truly reflect reality
Denial: Scientist =  one of a select minority group of  humans (<1%) capable of applying a set way of thinking to a particular aspect of existence. Inherent is the belief that the vast majority of human beings are non-scientists.This denies the essential role of change in the development of all manner of arts, including language and civics(stewardship)

 T - Z                                                           Return to Index

nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9%) and argon (0.934%)
Denial: Trace gas= Non existent/symbol not used. The greenhouse gas symbol is commonly used in place of trace gas, thus denying the potential for exponential change implicit in trace gas

Symbol: Transform
Acceptance: Transform = to change a form into another form (Change is the essence of the universe(s) and all forms are continually transformed into each other - Conservation Principle of Energy.)
Denial: Transform = originate/generate/produce/beget energy. This denies the Conservation Principle of Energy with its consequence that humans can only alter forms of energy, not energy itself  

Symbol: Transformer
Acceptance: Transformer =all things because all things act as an agent of change and works to transform
Denial:   Transformer = device for altering the voltage of electrical currents

Symbol: Transforming electrical phenomena
Acceptance: Transforming electrical phenomena = action of converting one electrical form into another. All forms can be understood as electrical phenomena e.g. we can transform sunlight into 230 volt products to drive our appliances using photovoltaic devices
Denial: Transforming electrical phenomena = non-existent/symbol not used. with the exception of altering voltages and current characteristics using adaptors or “transformers”  devices

Symbol: Transforming power
Acceptance: Transforming power = impossible activity/symbol not used. Power is the rate at which the potential of the universe(s) is manifest. We can however convert one measure to any other measure
Denial: Transforming power = altering voltage and current characteristics of Bulk-generated electrical products. This denies the reality that power is the measure of the rate that the universal potential is manifest. A form of energy is equated with energy itself

Symbol: Warmer Trace Gas
Acceptance: Warmer Trace Gas = the subset of trace gases in our atmosphere with significant capacity to retain thermal energy and thus act as a vital warmer of Earth’s surface. The most potent in our atmosphere are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and the CFLs.
Denial: Warmer Trace Gas = nonexistent/symbol not used 

Symbol: Warming
Acceptance: Warming = The continual movement of thermal energy through the universe(s) is such that all things are subject to constant warming even as they are subject to constant cooling. Warming is essential for any form to exist and its existence only occurs while the rate of warming = the rate of cooling. The form ceases to exist when this balance ceases to exist
Denial: Warming = Warming-up. Warming-up involves a temperature increase in an object and a tendency to a change of its form. If warming and warming-up are the same process then either no form can exist or no form changes i.e. the ultimate thermal reality is denied.
The common use of the equation zero temperature change = temperature change denies the essential thermodynamics of the universe(s). In particular this equation denies the possibility of a change of state with the temperature change

Symbol: Warming-up
Acceptance: Warming-up = the rate of warming exceeds the rate of cooling (involving a net temperature increase in an object and a change of its form)
Denial: Warming-up = warming. Warming-up involves a temperature increase in an object and a tendency to a change of its form - if warming and warming-up are the same process then either no form can exist or no form changes i.e. the ultimate thermal reality is denied
The common use of the equation zero temperature = temperature change denies the essential thermodynamics of the universe(s). In particular this equation denies the possibility of a change of state with the temperature change. 

Symbol: World of Science
Acceptance: World of Science = universal state of being that all humans  are into. Born of the state of compassion it involves rigorous inquiry, experimentation, sharing, honesty and reflection
Denial: World of Science = body of knowledge distinct and separate from daily experience of humanity and typically the domain of an elite called "scientists". This denies the essential role of change in the development of all manner of arts, including language and civics(stewardship)

 Symbol: Zero Carbon Economy 
Acceptance: Zero Carbon Economy = impossible notion/symbol not used. All living activity is performed within the universal carbon flux.
Denial: Zero Carbon Economy = Economy in which human activity makes zero impact on universal carbon flux. This denies the essential change, which is reality of the universe(s).


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Enjoy the rewards of being a conservator of the potential of our greatest symbols.

Page last  updated: Aug 2010